Food Handlers Course
The ServSafe Food Handlers course reviews food safety basics such as how to prevent cross contamination, proper personal hygiene, safe cooking cooling, and holding temperatures. The course also covers proper procedures for cleaning and sanitizing.

On-Site ServSafe Alcohol Training
Unannounced Mystery Shops
We conduct Mystery Shops to provide feedback to the restaurant on various aspects of the dining experience, such as cleanliness, how well the staff treated you, and the quality of the food and service.

The ServSafe Alcohol program prepares bartenders, servers, hosts, bussers, valets, bouncers and all front-of-house staff to effectively and safely handle difficult alcohol related situations in your operation.
Alcohol service involves many risks. Failure to act responsibly could result in fines, imprisonment, losing your liquor license, increased insurance costs, or losing your business.
Prepare yourself to handle these risks with responsible alcohol training from a trusted and experienced source, CRT and the National Restaurant Association.